Ever since its beginning in 1920, Gujarat Vidyapith has remained committed to the study of philosophy, history and culture. Teaching and research in Indian languages had been included in the curriculum. At that time these subjects were taught in Gujarat Research Centre. It was re-named as Gujarat Archaeology Centre form 22nd December, 1920. Devoted Scholars such as, Munishree Jinavijayaji, Maulavi Abuzafar Nadvi, Harinarayana Acharya, Kakasaheb Kalelker, Ramchandra Aathavale, Bechardas Doshi, Rasiklal Parikh etc. devoted their attention in building up this Department. A tri-monthly Journal Puratattva - rchaeology was also published by this Department.
Since 1970, the Department continued constantly flourishing, having facilities in studies and research at M.A. and Ph.D. level as well as at M.Phil. level at a later stage in 1978. The Department has also started post M.A., Diploma course in Archival Studies in 1982.
From 1984 it has also introduced full-fledged M.Phil. course in Archival Science. The Archival Department of Gujarat State sends its representatives for in-service training since 1983. Department of History and Culture achieved DSA under the SAP of UGC for two terms as under:
The major thrust areas for the DSA were as under:
Intake: 66
Eligibility: Pass Class in Bachelor Degree in any stream
Duration: 2 Years (4 Semesters) after 3 Year BA & 1 Year (Two Semesters) after 4 Year BA Honours Course
Course Credit: 20 Credits per semester
Total Credit: 40 Credits for 1 Year PG Programme and 80 Credits for 2 Year PG Programme.
4 Year (8 Semester) Programme with multiple exit option as per NEP 2020.
Intake: 66
Eligibility: 12th Pass in HSC in any stream
Duration: 4 Years (8 Semesters)
Course Credit: 20 Credits per semester plus.
Total Credit: 160